Media-Tryck handles over 600 bookorders each year, klick on the link below and start ordering.
Contact information
Media-Tryck, Sölvegatan
Opening Hours
Mon-Fri, 8-16
Lunch 12.30-13.00
Sölvegatan 14, house I
223 62 Lund
Pickup place: 80
Tel: 046-222 91 76 or 046-222 32 67
E-mail: media-tryck [at] se [dot] lu [dot] se (media-tryck[at]se[dot]lu[dot]se)
Media-Tryck, Kemicentrum
Opening Hours
Mon, 10-16 and Tus-Fri, 9-16
Getingevägen 60
Hämtställe: 1
Tel: 046-222 83 48
E-mail: media-tryck [dot] kc [at] se [dot] lu [dot] se (media-tryck[dot]kc[at]se[dot]lu[dot]se)