Products and services
We produce printed material of all kinds and sizes and can also assist you with layout, final art and illustration/infographics.
We have long experience of producing printed materials in compliance with Lund University’s graphic profile.
- Businesscards – click here if you are a Lund University employee (new window)
- Letterpaper
- Books and compendiums
- Name tags
- Folders and brochures
- Flyers
- Posters – order print here
- Banners
- Vinyl stickers – order recycling stickers here (new window)
- Graphical layout
- Final art and typesetting
- Illustration and infographics
- Image editing
- Printing and copying
- Variable printing
Download our product catalog here (in Swedish, PDF 9 MB, new window)
Opening hours
Please note: Our visiting address has changed, but our location is the same.
The reception is open
Monday–Friday 9:00–15:00
Closed for lunch 12:30–13:00
Finished prints can be collected
Monday–Friday 8:00–16:00
HS: 80
Find: Instrumentmakaregränden 4 (map, new tab)
Contact: media-tryck [at] service [dot] lu [dot] se (media-tryck[at]service[dot]lu[dot]se)
Closed until further notice.